Waste & Recycling


Waste & Recycling

Gordon brings more than 30 years of experience working with the waste & recycling sector and draws on his practical knowledge to meet his clients’ legal requirements. 



Predominant expertise is in litigation and particularly in managing the challenges brought by regulators’ decisions. 

Environmental Permitting and Waste Law

Gordon is very familiar with the environmental permitting system, with pollution and nuisance claims and in the practical applications of waste law.

These include

  • End-of-waste
  • By-products
  • The international movement of waste

Contracts within the Waste Sector

His expertise includes contracts made by waste & recycling clients, and he both drafts and advises on contractual disputes.

Resources and further information

Gordon hosts legal guides relevant to claims common in the waste & recycling sector on his separate legal resource site at www.wiglaw.co.uk 

A summary of Gordon’s cv in this and in related areas is at Click here

Get In Touch

To find out how Gordon Wignall can make a difference to your case contact us today.